In China’s manufacturing heart, Guangdong, factory emissions have poisoned 160 children, Xinhua said on Sunday in the country’s latest case of unfettered industrial toxins.
The children are from Dongtanm, a town in Renhua county, and were found to have “elevated” levels of lead in their blood after inhaling lead-contaminated air and eating food tainted with lead, Xinhua said.
Lead poisoning is prevalent in all of China and has sparked protests in the past among angry parents of children hurt by heavy metal pollution. It is especially damaging to children as it can impede learning and affect behaviors.
China is the world’s largest consumer of refined lead, with 70 percent used for making batteries. To counter widespread public anger, Beijing has promised to crack down on lead pollution.
“China lead pollution poisons 160 children: report.”Reuters. 12 03 2012 <>.