Hexabromocyclododecane used in foams in thermal insulation, in electrical equipment, and consumer products. It is found in the environment and wildlife. People are exposed from products and dust in the home and workplace. It is found in many popular foods, including fish and turkey, according to new research. Researchers tested foods such as meats, fish, and peanut butter.
Fifteen of the 36 food samples tested had detectable levels HBCD, says researcher Arnold Schecter, MD, MPH, professor of environmental and occupational health at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Dallas.
Some scientists are concerned that exposure could be related to developmental effects, hormonal interference, and alterations in the immune and reproductive systems.
“The levels we found are lower than what the government agencies currently think are dangerous,” Schecter tells WebMD. “But those levels were determined one chemical at a time.”
The study is published in Environmental Health Perspectives.
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