Christopher Porrino is the Attorney General in New Jersey. He is currently investigating two major opioid manufacturers. He stated that the manufacturers deliberately engaged in deceptive practices and promoted drugs that were highly-addictive. Purdue Pharma is one of the drug manufacturers that is going to be sued. This company makes OxyContin and is based in Connecticut.
The Opioid Crisis
Insys Therapeutics is another drug manufacturer that is going to be sued. It makes Fentayl, which is a drug that is often promoted to cancer patients. Mr. Porrino is going to do a thorough investigation on the widespread opioid addiction in New Jersey. He also plans to refute the claims that these drugs are safe when they are used under the supervision of a physician.
A person who is not allowed to reveal their identity stated that hundreds of doctors in New Jersey have been subpoenaed about Big Pharma’s marketing practices and opioid sales. The lawsuits that have been filed allege that the pharmaceutical companies deliberately engaged in deceptive marketing practices. Doctors have also talked insurance companies into paying for the drugs that they prescribe.
Mr. Porrino did not state whether he plans to sue Insys or Purdue. However, he did give a written statement to NJ Advance Media. He stated that he is taking a look at the pharmaceutical companies and their marketing practices. Phone calls were made to Insys, but no one answered.
Beverly Sackler owns Purdue Pharma. She has defended the company’s safety record. She stated that the company has always been careful about making sure that their products are safe for people to use. Robert Johnson, who is the spokesman for Purdue, has also defended the company. He stated that he is deeply troubled by the opioid crisis. He also stated that the safety of the drugs has been scientifically-researched and approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, Mr. Johnson stated that the company has been working with the FDA in order to resolve the opioid crisis.
Mr. Johnson stated that the company has given out copies of the “CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.” The company has also partnered with law enforcement in order to make sure that people have access to Naloxone. This is a drug that blocks the effects of opioids. Robert has denied the allegations.
Attorney generals in Washington and Louisiana have sued Purdue Pharma. They stated that the company deceptively marketed the drugs. Three of the executives who work for Purdue almost went to jail in 2007. They pleaded guilty to misleading physicians and patients. They managed to avoid jail time because Purdue paid $600 million in fines.
Mark Brnovitch is the Attorney General in Arizona. He recently filed a lawsuit against Insys. He stated that doctors were bribed into prescribing Fentayl. They were also accused of tricking insurance companies into paying for the drug.
Micheal Moore is a former Mississippi Attorney general. He is helping people file lawsuits in Mississippi, Ohio and Washington State. He stated that it is important for New Jersey to file lawsuits because their opioid overdose rate is 2.5 times higher than the national average. Over 2,000 people in New Jersey died from an opioid overdose in 2016.
Learn more about Opioid Lawsuits.