Veterans returning from war are seeking disability at high rates. President Obama vowed in memorial Day speeches to protect them.
The Associated Press: Almost Half Of New Vets Seek Disability
America’s newest veterans are filing for disability benefits at a historic rate, claiming to be the most medically and mentally troubled generation of former troops the nation has ever seen. A staggering 45 percent of the 1.6 million veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now seeking compensation for injuries they say are service-related. That is more than double the estimate of 21 percent who filed such claims after the Gulf War in the early 1990s, top government officials told The Associated Press (Marchione, 5/27).
The Associated Press/ABC News: Obama Vows To Protect Benefits For Veterans
President Barack Obama honored the nation’s military heroes in a pair of Memorial Day ceremonies, vowing to protect the benefits earned by veterans and their families in an election year marked by the nation’s transition from war. … Obama said the nation must remain committed to providing for the families of fallen soldiers and help returning service members seeking jobs, higher education or health care benefits (Thomas, 5/29).
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